Online Privacy
Our Privacy Notice is the same whether you are online or not. At our website,, you may apply for membership, accounts, loans and services. You may also communicate with us via the secure Contact Us form. To protect information you provide us online, we use multiple levels of security. All applications, forms and ComputerLine transactions are submitted to us securely using the industry standard "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) encryption to secure your submission. MSUFCU uses 128-bit encryption and we use firewalls to secure your information. A firewall is a security measure that insulates the credit union's computer network from the World Wide Web. We analyze the traffic coming in and out of the firewall, which could indicate intrusion activity and computer viruses. MSUFCU contracts with a third-party technology specialist to try to penetrate our network and evaluate the security of our online applications and ComputerLine. MSUFCU has successfully passed each evaluation and is annually certified as a secure site. To read more about online security requirements click here.


Our Use of Cookies
If you conduct account transactions via ComputerLine, you may notice our use of internet cookies. Cookies are a small text file assigned and attached by a web server to the directory file on your computer. Cookies enable our systems to recognize your browser and your information as you navigate and conduct transactions within ComputerLine. If we did not use cookies within ComputerLine, you would need to enter your account number and password each time you wanted to see another page or each transaction you initiate. ComputerLine uses temporary session cookies that are stored on your Computer only during your current session and are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser. No information is collected from your computer.